
A woman goes through several significant stages of development during her life – maturation, reproductive period, pregnancy, menopause.

Each one of these phases has its own beauty related to different anatomical, physiological, psycho-emotional features. Mother nature has taken care to prepare the woman for her most important role – to leave offspring. The structure of the female body is entirely related to its most important function – reproductive.

Menstrual cycles determine the leading biological rhythm in a woman. In one third of women, the cycles are associated with the so-called premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which leads to psycho-emotional lability, anxiety, irritability, joint, muscle pain, bloating and abdominal pain, tension, breast pain, which a woman has to deal with monthly.

In different women, these symptoms can manifest themselves with different severity. Every woman reaches the moment when her last menstruation occurs and smoothly moves to the next stage of her development – menopause. The supply of egg cells is depleted, the production of female sex hormones decreases, metabolic processes slow down. These irreversible changes in the female organism are associated with various vasomotor complaints (hot flashes, sweating, sleep disturbance, etc.), urogenital syndrome (vaginal dryness, discomfort, frequent urges to urinate, decreased libido, etc.), psycho-emotional instability.

Menopausal women are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, etc. In different women, these complaints occur at different times, they can be of different severity and duration. Aicore takes care of women’s health at every moment of a woman’s development, aiming to improve the quality of life.

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